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COVID-19 Impact in Honduras
Throughout this pandemic, we have been in contact with our friends and partners in Honduras to stay informed about the situation in that country. Your support has also made it possible to provide emergency food relief to nearly 700 Honduran families who are in particularly difficult circumstances.
In comparison to Canada, the number of COVID-19 cases in Honduras remains relatively low. However, Honduras is the hardest-hit nation in Central America. The majority of cases have been in the San Pedro de Sula and Tegucigalpa areas. However, all Hondurans are restricted to their homes with the exception of one day a week, based on the final digit on their government identification card. The inability to work has particularly impacted those Hondurans who depend on daily income to provide for their immediate food needs.
Through the generosity of supporters of The Carpenteros and Friends, we have been able to provide funds through Harvest Honduras for the distribution of emergency food hampers to nearly 700 Honduran families in the following communities: La Barranquilla (60), El Porton (25), Piedra de Agua (25), La Joyada (25), Los Llanitos (65), El Coyol (40), El Limon (50), La Pena (30), Santa Cruz de Guayape (120), Guajiquiro (60), Togopala (50) Moquecagua (25), Lenca villages (50) and Santa Elena (50).
Food supplies are purchased in bulk, and delivered to the local church, where food is divided into family-sized packages. Distribution is done in a physical-distanced manner by volunteers from the local church, and priority is given to those who are elderly, disabled, extremely poor, or with small children. Each family received a supply of beans, rice, cooking oil, flour, sugar, coffee and soap.