Partnering With Honduran Communities

Partnering With
Honduran Communities
For a Better Future
Your support enables our Honduran friends to achieve goals that previously seemed beyond reach.
The needs in Honduras may be immense, but by working hand-in-hand with our Honduran brothers and sisters, it is possible to make a lasting difference.
The Carpenteros work alongside Harvest Honduras and with World Renew and its Honduran partners – Diaconia Nacional, ALFALIT, MCM (Stewardship of Christian Ministries, and the Association for a More Just Society in Honduras.
These partners do not determine or tell a community what its needs are. Rather, through consultation and assessment they help the community to self-identify its strengths, weaknesses and capabilities.
Priorities are identified and a strategy is developed to achieve the community's goals. The Carpenteros partner with willing communities, so that by working together we can bring about lasting improvement for Hondurans in need.
Visiting teams serve alongside community members and experienced local masons and tradespeople to ensure that all work is done properly. Teams also serve under the direction of our Honduran partners and the local church.
Pouring concrete floors, constructing pilas (outdoor cisterns) or latrines (outdoor toilets) and repairing roofs are among the typical projects that visiting Carpenteros work on with local homeowners and skilled Honduran tradespeople. And project beneficiaries are those families that are in the greatest need, often with small children, or caring for elderly or disabled family members.
The actual work often begins prior to the arrival of the Carpenteros team, and may continue after the team returns to Canada. This is done to ensure that all beneficiaries will receive the project they are looking forward to, and so that visiting teams can also spend time building relationships, meeting with local leaders, playing with the excited children and interacting with the community.
If you, your family, business or church would like to know more about ways to make a profound and lasting difference in Honduras, please contact us by sending email to